Prior to working in corporate design, Dan studied improv and comedy writing at Chicago's Second City. This training has been invaluable, allowing him to keep a strong sense of humor under pressure.

Even at a young age, Dan was always interested in computers and technology. He purchased his first computer, an Atari 400 while in high school. His first programs were tediously typed in from computer magazines. Hours of effort would be made to make the screen flash and play sounds. From this point on, it was a search for knowledge.

He learned enough about database software, word processing to begin desktop publishing. An early freelance assignment at the American Medical Association had him mailing out questionaires to over 7,000 medical professionals for a database project, then printing official certificates to each successful participant.

After a few years of freelancing, he discovered Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and computer graphics. He also discovered a Mac computer for the first time and began to develop an expertise for working between PC and Mac, a skill that has helped him find opportunities to this day. Dan has always felt that he bridged the gap between designers and the executives who employ them.

Dan looks forward to new developments in web technologies and new ways of helping others overcome their fears of technology. He feels that the secret to success of the internet is not necessarily the technology itself; but rather the passions and enthusiasms that bring people together, creating communities.


@ 2005 Dan Speziale